Die weltweit angesehene Fachzeitschrift „The Lancet“ macht unter dem Titel
„Who is responsible for the health care of refugees?“
aufmerksam auf die (nach Erfahrungen in einem Flüchtlingscamp in Tessaloniki) unzureichende Unterstützung durch die internationale Politik (The Lancet Volume 389, No. 10081, p1793, 6 May 2017).
Hier einige Auszüge:
„Numerous patients presented to the clinic a few times a week with somatic symptoms as manifestations of trauma and stressor-related disorders. Many mothers spoke of withdrawn children, struggling to sleep and terrorised by the nightmares of war.“
„Refugees are generally high users of health-care resources because of acute illnesses and the high prevalence and poor management of chronic diseases, mood disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and non-affective psychotic disorders. Children in conflict zones also have a high prevalence of enuresis and other symptoms of psychological stress.“
„The treatment of communicable diseases is generally prioritised to prevent an outbreak in the host countries. However, chronic medical and mental health disorders, including trauma and stressor-related disorders, as non-communicable diseases, are not given the same priority.“